Corrective Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery)

Introduction to Orthognathic Surgery

Understanding Orthognathic Surgery: Definitions and Purposes

Orthognathic surgery, often known simply as jaw surgery, involves the restructuring and realignment of the jaw bones. This specialty field falls under the larger umbrella of oral and maxillofacial surgery and is frequently handled by experts at renowned institutions such as Mount Sinai in New York City. The primary objectives of orthognathic surgery include:

– **Correcting Dental Irregularities**: Addressing severe overbites, underbites, and crossbites which cannot be remedied through braces or other orthodontic approaches alone.

– **Improving Jaw Function**: Ensuring that the upper and lower jaws align properly to facilitate optimal chewing, speaking, and breathing functionality.

– **Enhancing Facial Aesthetics**: Many patients experience a marked improvement in their facial profile due to the repositioning of misaligned jaw bones.

– **Alleviating Discomfort**: For those suffering from jaw pain, headaches, or other related discomfort due to the misalignment, surgery may provide a means of relief.

Specialists like those at Mount Sinai tailor surgical procedures to meet the unique anatomical needs of each individual patient, employing cutting-edge techniques and technology to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Importance of Corrective Jaw Surgery in Oral Health and Facial Symmetry

Orthognathic surgery is more than just a cosmetic procedure. It holds significant value in the realm of oral health and facial harmony:

– **Oral Health**: Proper alignment of the jaws is crucial for maintaining good oral hygiene. Misaligned jaws can result in hard-to-clean areas where plaque and bacteria thrive, potentially leading to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

– **Facial Symmetry**: A balanced facial appearance can significantly impact a person’s self-esteem and confidence. Corrective jaw surgery often results in enhanced facial symmetry, promoting a positive self-image.

– **Diet and Nutrition**: Alignment issues may limit an individual’s ability to chew certain foods properly. Post-surgery, patients usually experience an improved diet and nutrition as they can consume a wider variety of foods with ease.

The multidisciplinary team at Mount Sinai understands the profound impact that jaw alignment can have on both physical health and psychological well-being. Their approach involves comprehensive planning and collaboration between surgeons, dentists, orthodontists, and other medical professionals to ensure that the patient’s functional needs and aesthetic goals are met. As research and education in the field advance, new techniques and technologies continue to improve the precision and outcomes of these transformative procedures.

Conditions Necessitating Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery, often referred to as corrective jaw surgery, addresses and corrects abnormalities of the jaw bones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve their functionality. The Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Mount Sinai in New York is acclaimed for performing such procedures, which not only significantly enhance patients’ oral and facial functionality but also boost their self-image and psychological well-being.

Identifying Candidates: Who Needs Corrective Jaw Surgery?

– **Severe Malocclusion**: Individuals may require orthognathic surgery when braces and other orthodontic treatments cannot correct severe misalignment of teeth and jaws sufficiently. In such cases, jaw surgery assists in ensuring correct bite alignment and enhancing chewing, speaking, and long-term oral health.

– **Facial Symmetry Issues**: Those experiencing facial asymmetry, where one side of the face is noticeably different from the other, may also be candidates. Surgery can realign the jaws to a more balanced and symmetrical position.

– **Respiratory and Sleep Issues**: Corrective jaw surgery may also benefit individuals suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder. By repositioning the jaws, the surgery can open up the airway passage, thereby reducing or eliminating sleep disturbances and related health concerns.

– **Jaw Functionality**: People who experience difficulty in such basic functions as chewing, swallowing or speaking due to jaw irregularities can also be considered as candidates for orthognatic surgery.

– **Chronic Jaw or Jaw Joint Pain and Headache**: Surgery may be indicated for those with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and chronic pain that cannot be relieved through non-surgical treatments.

Common Jaw Irregularities and Misalignments Treated by Orthognathic Surgery

– **Overbite**: Often appeared as the upper teeth sticking out far beyond the lower teeth. Orthognathic surgery corrects the overbite, resulting in proper bite functionality and aesthetic appearance.

– **Underbite**: Characterized by the lower teeth projecting beyond the upper teeth. Surgery aims to restore the balance by repositioning the lower jaw.

– **Crossbite**: When some upper teeth are inside the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. Surgery adjusts the misalignment to achieve a proper bite pattern.

– **Open Bite**: Present when there is a noticeable gap between the biting surfaces of the front and/or side teeth when the back teeth are together. Surgery closes this space, making biting and chewing more effective.

– **Size Discrepancies**: Marked by either an excessively large or small jaw, which not only affects facial aesthetics but also impacts functionality. Orthognathic surgery can resize the jaws for better balance and function.

Mount Sinai’s Orthognathic Surgery program not only provides relief from physical symptoms and functional limitations but also greatly contributes to the overall quality of life of the patients. The multidisciplinary approach to treatment involves collaboration between oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, and other specialists to ensure comprehensive care and optimal results. Each patient’s treatment is meticulously planned using 3D imaging technologies and computerized treatment planning for precision and success.

Preparing for Orthognathic Surgery

The journey to undergoing orthognathic surgery at Mount Sinai in New York is a comprehensive process that involves thorough preparation and planning. The goal is to ensure that patients are well-informed, physically ready, and psychologically prepared for the surgery and its aftermath.

Initial Consultation: What to Expect

– **Detailed Medical History Review**: During the initial consultation, patients can expect a careful review of their medical history. Surgeons at Mount Sinai take into account past and present health conditions that may influence surgical outcomes.

– **Physical Examination**: A physical examination of the face, jaw, and teeth is performed to assess the complexity of the jaw irregularity and to determine the extent of correction needed.

– **Discussion of Goals and Expectations**: Patients will have an opportunity to discuss their goals and expectations with their surgeon. This mutual understanding is pivotal for a successful outcome.

– **Explanation of the Procedure**: Surgeons explain the orthognathic surgical procedure in detail, giving patients a clear idea of what the surgery entails, including the risks and benefits.

– **Answering Patient Questions**: Patients are encouraged to ask questions to better understand the surgery and recovery process. Surgeons take the time to provide comprehensive answers to ensure patient comfort and confidence.

Pre-Surgical Assessments and Planning

– **Imaging Studies**: Advanced imaging techniques, such as 3D CT scans, may be used to provide a detailed view of the jaw’s anatomy. This aids in precise surgical planning.

– **Modeling and Simulation**: The oral and maxillofacial team often utilizes models and simulations of the patient’s jaw to facilitate planning and to provide a visual representation of the expected outcome.

– **Orthodontic Evaluations**: Collaboration with orthodontists is crucial, as braces or other orthodontic appliances may be necessary before or after surgery to align the teeth properly.

– **Medical Clearance**: Patients may need to obtain medical clearance from their primary care physician to ensure they are healthy enough to undergo surgery.

– **Dietary and Lifestyle Guidelines**: Instructions regarding dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and medications may be provided to prepare the patient for a safe surgical experience and recovery.

– **Surgical Mock-Up**: In certain cases, a surgical mock-up or “trial surgery” using the patient’s 3D model can be performed to anticipate the surgical outcome and make necessary adjustments ahead of time.

– **Psychological Support**: The psychological impact of surgery is acknowledged, and counseling or support may be offered to help patients cope with the changes in their appearance and self-perception post-surgery.

Mount Sinai’s approach to preparing patients for orthognathic surgery is meticulous and patient-centered. With the combined expertise of the surgical team and cutting-edge technology, patients at Mount Sinai receive care that is tailored to their individual needs and guided by precision and excellence. This prepares them not just for the surgery itself but also for the journey towards an improved quality of life post-procedure.

The Three Basic Orthognathic Procedures

Orthognathic surgery encompasses various procedures tailored to address specific jaw irregularities. The surgeries are typically classified based on which jaw requires correction—upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (mandible), or both. Mount Sinai’s Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is well-versed in these essential procedures which are critical for restoring function and aesthetics to patients with severe jaw misalignments.

Upper Jaw (Maxilla) Surgery: Procedures and Considerations

Corrective surgery of the upper jaw primarily involves the repositioning of the maxilla to achieve proper alignment with the mandible and facial structures.

– **Le Fort I Osteotomy**: This procedure is a common type of maxillary surgery where the bone is cut above the teeth to allow the maxilla to be moved in any direction. This can correct overbites, crossbites, and midface deficiencies.

– **Impactation/Downgrafting**: When there is too much gum showing (a gummy smile) or the maxilla needs to be elongated, the maxilla can be moved upward (impacted) or downward (downgrafted).

– **Expansion**: For those with narrow upper jaws leading to a crossbite, the maxilla may be surgically expanded. This is especially beneficial for patients whose facial growth is complete, making traditional expanders ineffective.

The procedures on the maxilla consider both functionality and facial harmony. Comprehensive treatment and recovery plans are developed to manage pain, dietary restrictions, and patient expectations regarding the healing process and final results.

Lower Jaw (Mandible) Surgery: Techniques and Outcomes

The lower jaw can also be the focus of orthognathic surgery when its misalignment affects bite and facial balance.

– **Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO)**: This surgery targets an overbite or underbite by splitting the lower jaw bone vertically and shifting it forward or backward. Its outcomes can significantly improve the lower facial profile and jaw function.

– **Sliding Genioplasty**: When the chin is deficient or over-projected in relation to the rest of the mandible, this technique allows precise reshaping and repositioning of the chin, enhancing the overall facial profile.

– **Vertical Lengthening/Shortening**: For asymmetrical or disproportionate jaw height, the mandible can be adjusted vertically. Vertical reduction can help in cases of excessive jaw length, while augmentation can assist those with congenitally short jaws.

Surgical approaches to the mandible are designed to resolve functional issues such as malocclusion and aesthetic concerns by creating a symmetrical and balanced appearance. Recovery from lower jaw surgery typically involves jaw immobilization and a liquid diet initially, gradually progressing to soft and normal foods as healing permits.

Both upper and lower jaw surgeries at Mount Sinai are supported by state-of-the-art technology and a team of skilled professionals who understand the complexities of facial anatomy. Patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction remain the top priority during the entire surgical and recovery process. The goal is not just to correct the anatomical irregularities, but also to enhance the patient’s self-confidence and quality of life.

The Surgical Process

Mount Sinai’s Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in New York City offers advanced treatment options for patients requiring orthognathic surgery. The process is meticulously planned and executed, involving several phases to ensure success and patient satisfaction.

An Overview of the Steps Involved in Corrective Jaw Surgery

Orthognathic surgery at Mount Sinai follows a comprehensive and systematic approach that includes:

– **Preoperative Assessment**: Patients undergo thorough evaluations, including dental impressions, X-rays, CT scans, and 3D modeling to assess the skeletal structure and plan the surgical procedure.

– **Treatment Planning**: A multidisciplinary team comprising oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, and sometimes ENT specialists develop a personalized treatment plan, often involving presurgical orthodontics to align the teeth in preparation for surgery.

– **Surgical Execution**: On the day of surgery, patients are given anesthesia, and the designated surgical approach is carried out with precision to correct the jaw misalignment. Techniques vary depending on whether the surgery is performed on the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both.

– **Immediate Postoperative Care**: After surgery, patients are monitored in recovery rooms. Pain management, swelling control, and ensuring proper breathing and protective measures are in place.

– **Postoperative Recovery**: Patients receive specific instructions regarding oral hygiene, diet, activity levels, and follow-up visits. The initial healing phase can involve modified diets ranging from liquid to soft foods, and gradual return to normal diet and daily activities.

– **Long-term Follow-up**: Orthodontic treatment may continue after surgery to refine occlusion, and regular follow-ups with the surgical team ensure proper healing and optimal outcomes.

Intraoperative Care and Techniques to Ensure Success

Mount Sinai’s approach to intraoperative care includes:

– **Advanced Anesthesia Techniques**: Anesthesiologists use safe and effective anesthesia protocols suited to the complexity and duration of the surgery.

– **Precision Surgery**: Surgeons employ state-of-the-art surgical techniques, customized instruments, and cutting-edge technology to enhance precision and minimize trauma.

– **Real-time Monitoring**: Vital signs and neurological status are constantly monitored for patient safety.

– **Intraoperative Adjustments**: Surgeons may make real-time adjustments based on preoperative planning and intraoperative findings to ensure the best possible alignment and occlusion.

– **Minimally Invasive Options**: Whenever possible, minimally invasive techniques are used to reduce postoperative discomfort and speed up recovery.

This extensive surgical process aims to address not only the functional and aesthetic aspects of jaw misalignments but also to offer comprehensive care throughout the patient’s journey. With a team of dedicated professionals, Mount Sinai ensures each step of the process is conducted with the highest standards of care to achieve the desired results while maintaining patient safety and well-being.

Risks and Recovery

Potential Risks and Complications Associated with Jaw Surgery

Orthognathic surgery, while beneficial for correcting dental and skeletal irregularities, carries inherent risks common to many surgical procedures. Patients considering orthognathic surgery should be made aware of the possible complications so they can weigh the benefits against the risks before deciding to proceed. The complications may include:

– **Blood Loss**: As with any surgery, there is a risk of significant blood loss, which may require a blood transfusion.

– **Infection**: Postoperative infections are possible, and strict sterilization protocols and prophylactic antibiotics aim to mitigate this risk.

– **Nerve Injury**: Nerve damage during surgery could result in temporary or permanent changes in sensation.

– **Jaw Fracture**: While rare, the procedure can lead to fractures in the jawbone, necessitating immediate attention.

– **Relapse**: There is a chance that the jaw may move back towards its original position, requiring additional procedures to correct.

– **Bite Fit and Jaw Joint Pain**: Alterations in bite mechanics can lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain and may affect how the teeth fit together.

– **Further Surgery**: Some patients might need additional surgeries to address complications or refine the surgical outcome.

– **Root Canal Therapy**: Selected teeth might require root canal treatment if they are affected during surgery.

– **Bone Loss**: In rare cases, a portion of the jawbone may be lost or may not heal correctly, which could lead to further reconstructive efforts.

Post-Surgery Recovery: Guidelines and Timeline

The recovery phase is a crucial part of the orthognathic surgery process, impacting the overall success of the surgery. The Mount Sinai team provides detailed guidelines to patients for a smooth recovery:

– **Pain and Swelling Management**: Patients can expect some level of pain and swelling, which is typically managed with medication and cold compresses.

– **Dietary Adjustments**: Immediately following surgery, a liquid diet is necessary, progressing to pureed foods and eventually to normal diets as healing allows.

– **Nutritional Support**: Nutritional supplements or consultations with a dietitian can ensure patients receive adequate nutrition during the recovery period.

– **Facial Adjustment**: There may be a period of psychosocial adjustment as patients get accustomed to their new facial appearance.

– **Activity Limitations**: Physical activity may be limited for a certain period post-surgery to facilitate healing.

– **Follow-Up Visits**: Regular visits to the surgeon and orthodontist are crucial for monitoring healing and the progress of jaw realignment.

The typical recovery timeline spans several weeks to months, during which the patient will notice gradual improvements. Pain and swelling usually diminish within the first few weeks, while full bone healing may take several months. The patient’s commitment to follow-up care and adherence to recommended lifestyle changes plays a critical role in achieving a successful outcome.

Benefits of Orthognathic Surgery

Improving Occlusion and Chewing Functionality

Orthognathic surgery at Mount Sinai addresses not just the aesthetic aspects of jaw misalignment, but also its functional impact. The benefits of correcting malocclusions—which include overbites, underbites, and crossbites—extend far beyond cosmetic improvements:

– **Enhanced Chewing Ability**: Proper alignment of the jaws improves the ability to chew food effectively, facilitating better digestion and overall nutritional intake.

– **Reduced Wear on Teeth**: By aligning the teeth correctly, uneven wear caused by malocclusion is minimized, preserving the natural teeth structure and reducing the risk of dental complications.

– **Improved Speech**: For some patients, correcting jaw alignment also ameliorates speech impediments, leading to clearer and more confident communication.

– **Balanced Bite**: Achieving a balanced bite can alleviate stress on the jaw muscles and joints, possibly reducing symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD).

– **Prevention of Future Dental Problems**: Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the chance of tooth decay and periodontal disease.

The functional benefits provided by orthognathic surgery can lead to improved quality of life for patients. The ability to chew effectively and speak clearly are essential daily functions that many people take for granted until experiencing issues related to misaligned jaws.

Enhancing Facial Aesthetics and Airway Function

Orthognathic surgery offers significant improvements in facial symmetry and balance, positively impacting the patient’s self-esteem and social interactions:

– **Improved Facial Harmony**: Corrections made to the jaw structure can bring about a more aesthetically pleasing facial appearance, with enhanced symmetry and proportion.

– **Boosted Self-Confidence**: Patients often report an increase in self-confidence following surgery due to the improved alignment of their facial features.

– **Expanded Airway**: Some jaw misalignments can constrict the airway. Surgery can broaden the airway, potentially improving breathing, especially during sleep.

– **Potential Reduction in Sleep Apnea Symptoms**: For those with obstructive sleep apnea, realigning the jaws may reduce the severity of their symptoms due to the airway expansion.

While aesthetic enhancements are significant, the surgery’s potential to improve airway function cannot be overstated. Patients may find relief from sleep-disordered breathing conditions, contributing to more restful sleep and overall health benefits.

Mount Sinai’s Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery not only prioritizes the functional and aesthetic results of orthognathic surgery but also ensures a comprehensive approach to patient care—considering all aspects from initial consultation to post-operative recovery and follow-up care. The multidisciplinary team works collaboratively to achieve outcomes that enhance both the physical and psychological well-being of their patients.

Life After Surgery

Adjusting to Changes Post-Surgery

Undergoing orthognathic surgery at Mount Sinai’s Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery represents a significant milestone for individuals with dental and skeletal irregularities. Once the surgical process is complete and the recovery period underway, patients begin a new phase that involves adapting to the changes in their jaw alignment and facial structure.

– **Physical Adaptation**: The body must adjust to the new position of the jaw. This may require a period of adaptation, as muscles, tendons, and ligaments align with the jaw’s new structure.

– **Dental Adjustment**: After the removal of braces which are typically applied during the recovery phase, patients may need to get used to their new bite alignment and may require retainer use as guided by their orthodontist.

– **Aesthetic Acceptance**: As patients’ facial appearance may have altered, there can be an emotional aspect to this change, requiring time for psychological adjustment and acceptance.

– **Speech Improvement**: Some patients may notice changes or improvements in speech after their surgery; speech therapy may be recommended to assist in the adjustment process.

– **Continued Professional Support**: The healthcare team — including the surgeon, orthodontist, and sometimes a psychologist — provide continuing support during this period of adaptation.

The journey to adapting to life post-surgery involves patience and support, as the changes are often both physical and emotional. Patients are encouraged to communicate openly with their healthcare providers about their progress and any concerns that arise.

Long-Term Maintenance and Care

For patients of Mount Sinai’s Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery who have undergone orthognathic surgery, the focus post-recovery shifts to long-term maintenance and care to ensure enduring results and sustained oral health.

– **Regular Dental Check-Ups**: Ongoing visits to the dentist are important for maintaining dental hygiene and monitoring the condition of the teeth and jaw alignment.

– **Lifestyle Modifications**: Certain lifestyle changes may be recommended, including dietary considerations, to protect the corrected structure of the jaw and teeth.

– **Orthodontic Retainers**: It may be necessary for patients to wear a retainer for an extended period to help maintain the new position of the teeth.

– **Monitoring for Changes**: Patients should be vigilant for any shifts in jaw alignment or occlusion and report these to their orthodontist or surgeon promptly.

– **Managing TMJ Health**: Patients should be attentive to the health of their temporomandibular joint, as changes in jaw structure can impact TMJ function.

By adhering to these guidelines and maintaining open communication with their healthcare team, patients can enjoy the full benefits of their corrective surgery for years to come. It’s important for patients to understand that while surgery can provide significant improvements, diligent care is essential to preserve the results achieved through orthognathic surgery.“`html

Conclusion and Next Steps

Summary: The Transformative Impact of Corrective Jaw Surgery

Orthognathic surgery at Mount Sinai’s Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery offers a transformative outcome for individuals grappling with overbites, underbites, and crossbites that are not amenable to orthodontic treatment alone. This type of surgery not only aims to enhance the function and aesthetics of a patient’s jaw but also to improve overall dental health and quality of life.

The change in jaw structure post-procedure necessitates a dedicated recovery period wherein physical and emotional adaptation is paramount. The success of the surgery is not only evidenced by the corrected alignment but also by the patient’s ability to acclimate to the modifications in their facial structure, dental health, and lifestyle.

Patients who have completed orthognathic surgery are advised to engage in long-term care, which includes maintaining regular dental check-ups, adhering to lifestyle modifications, monitoring for any changes in jaw alignment, and managing the health of their temporomandibular joint. This ensures lasting results and helps prevent potential complications.

The healthcare team plays a crucial role in providing support throughout the entire surgical journey, from pre-operative counseling to post-operative care and lifelong maintenance. Aligning expectations and providing structured care protocols helps facilitate a smoother recovery process, enabling patients to integrate their new physical changes into their daily lives effectively.

FAQs and Additional Resources for Prospective Patients

Prospective patients contemplating orthognathic surgery at Mount Sinai often have numerous inquiries regarding procedure specifics, recovery protocols, and the anticipated outcomes. Below are common questions and avenues for additional resources:

– **What can I expect in terms of recovery time?** The recovery period varies based on the individual case and procedure complexity. Generally, initial healing is observed within the first few weeks, with complete recovery taking several months.

– **Will insurance cover my jaw surgery?** Coverage depends on the individual’s insurance plan and whether the surgery is considered medically necessary. Consultation with an insurance provider and the Mount Sinai financial support team can provide clarity on coverage.

– **Are there dietary restrictions after surgery?** Yes, patients typically follow a modified soft or liquid diet post-surgery to allow for proper healing and to avoid putting undue stress on the jaw.

– **How do I manage pain after my procedure?** Pain management is tailored individually, often involving prescribed medications and home care strategies as recommended by the surgeon.

– **Where can I find support and additional information?** Support groups, counselor guidance, and educational resources are available through the Mount Sinai Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and online platforms dedicated to orthognathic surgery.

For additional details and personalized advice, prospective patients should schedule consultations with both an orthodontist and a maxillofacial surgeon to discuss their condition, treatment options, and the comprehensive care plan that Mount Sinai provides.


Corrective Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery) Package

  • Airport Shuttle
  • 5 Nights 4 or 5* hotel with breakfast
  • Transportation Hotel / Clinic
  • Doctor & Anesthesiologist visits
  • Labatory Analysis
  • Your Surgery
  • 1 Night Hospitalaziton
  • 3 Meals per day in Hospital
  • Medications in Hospital
  • Interpreter Service in Clinic
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